Greetings, fashion enthusiasts! I’m Prerna Kumar, a seasoned fashion designer who loves bringing clothes to life. With a solid foundation laid at the prestigious National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) , my commitment to the world of fashion has only deepened over the years.
My professional odyssey has been graced by collaborations with renowned fashion houses and industry leaders, where I’ve had the privilege to contribute my artistic flair to the ever-evolving landscape of haute couture. Having honed my skills in the vibrant, diverse world of fashion, I’ve developed an acute sense of style that goes beyond trends, embracing the timeless essence of design.
When I am not designing, I love to dive into the world of blogging. I write about everything- from the coolest new styles, trends and how fashion impacts our lives particularly dress diaries. I love to share what is hot and what’s next in fashion in a very comprehensive way.
Come join me on this exciting journey through fashion. Let’s explore, create and enjoy the amazing world of styles together.
Warm regards,
Prerna Kumar
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